Why Cardiokinetics
From its inception, the CardioKinetics mission has been clear: produce healthier people, one at a time. This is not only the core of our business but also the mindset of each member of the CardioKinetics team. Whether working with an individual, or an organization with thousands of employees, our level of care never changes. We look at each individual’s unique health factors before tailoring a program to meet their needs.
CardioKinetics will assist you in maximizing your health potential by bridging the gap between reactive and preventive medicine. All too often, people only seek help once a problem is too serious to ignore. Your doctor treats the symptoms, but often isn’t seeing the whole picture of your health. What we practice at CardioKinetics is completely different—we see our patients as people, not just another appointment.
Combining both reactive and preventative medicine enables us to look at the individual holistically. By taking this approach, it is easier to fully assess where a person’s health is at the moment. This will then also allow us to work together to create goals for the individual based on risk factors and data-driven metrics, as well as where the patient wants to be. For employers, we take this one step further by providing detailed population health management reports, identifying segments with risk factors and developing a targeted approach to improve health outcomes.
CardioKinetics has worked with the general public, small and large corporations, hospitals, government agencies, educational institutions, and public safety organizations. CardioKinetics has been recognized regionally and nationally for our innovative approach to preventive medicine and commitment to excellence.